
Kanidm LDAP guide

· 1416 words · 6 min read

Couple months back, I met Nick (one of the most legendary nixpkgs contributors) IRL, and he introduced me to this fairly new and interesting CLI based IDM tool called Kanidm. Fast-forward to mid-January, I got bored with my research and wanted to mess around with my Hydra build server, and I thought it would be cool to use Kanidm as the LDAP backend for Hydra (I was using local Hydra accounts).

Installation (with NixOS of course)

I'll skip the NixOS introduction here, go look for the manual and wiki if you're not already familiar with it. Here's the base config:

{ config, pkgs, ... }:

  networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 636 ];

  services.kanidm = {
    package = pkgs.kanidm.override { enableSecretProvisioning = true; };

    enableClient = true;
    clientSettings.uri = config.services.kanidm.serverSettings.origin;

    enableServer = true;
    serverSettings = {
      domain = "ysun.co";
      origin = "https://sso.ysun.co";
      trust_x_forward_for = true;
      ldapbindaddress = "";
      bindaddress = "";

  services.caddy.virtualHosts."sso.ysun.co".extraConfig = ''
      reverse_proxy ${config.services.kanidm.provision.instanceUrl} {
        header_up Host {host}
        header_up X-Real-IP {http.request.header.CF-Connecting-IP}

I want to use Caddy to proxy the Kanidm web interface, and since Caddy handles HTTP traffic, LDAP won't be proxied by Caddy, so opening port 636 is required for LDAP(s) requests. Also since we'll be proxing the web interface (and I usually proxy all my web services behind Cloudflare), we need to rename the CF-Connecting-IP header to X-Real-IP so Kanidm can get the real IP of the client.

The Kanidm options gave a pretty obvious hint that you'll need a trusted certificate to expose the web interface and LDAP server, but I want to use Caddy to proxy all my services. So I opted for an ACME cert and importing the cert into Caddy instead of having Caddy generate a separate one. As both Caddy and Kanidm require access to ACME certs, we need to create a group to share access for the two users:

  users.groups.sso.members = [ "caddy" "kanidm" ];
  security.acme.certs."sso.ysun.co" = {
    domain = "sso.ysun.co";
    extraDomainNames = [ "ldap.ysun.co" ];
    group = "sso";
    reloadServices = [ "caddy.service" "kanidm.service" ];

With the above config, ACME will generate a cert for sso.ysun.co and ldap.ysun.co (important!), and after a renewal, caddy and kanidm services will be reloaded to pick up the new cert. The reason why I'm creating a cert with two FQDNs is that Cloudflare only proxy some specific ports, LDAP(s) port 636 is not one of them, so I'll be proxying the web frontend through Cloudflare on sso.ysun.co and the LDAP server directly (without Cloudflare) on ldap.ysun.co.

Now we've got to get the path of the ACME cert for Caddy and Kanidm to use:

{ config, pkgs, ... }:

  inherit (config.security.acme.certs."sso.ysun.co") directory;
  services.kanidm = {
    serverSettings = {
      tls_key = "${directory}/key.pem";
      tls_chain = "${directory}/fullchain.pem";

  services.caddy.virtualHosts."sso.ysun.co".extraConfig = ''
      tls "${directory}/fullchain.pem" "${directory}/key.pem"

The last thing we need is to set two admin passwords for Kanidm, one for admin (system admin) and one for idm_admin (account and group admin). I'm using SOPS to manage secrets, and I'm lazy, so I'm just going to use the same password for both:

{ config, pkgs, ... }:

  sops.secrets.kanidm = {
    owner = "kanidm";
    group = "kanidm";

  services.kanidm = {
    provision = {
      adminPasswordFile = config.sops.secrets.kanidm.path;
      idmAdminPasswordFile = config.sops.secrets.kanidm.path;

Provisioning users and groups

The NixOS module we are using allows users to provision users and groups declaratively, but only for regular users and groups (we'll be using service accounts, but the module can't manage those, more on this later).

  services.kanidm.provision = {
    enable = true;
    autoRemove = true;

    groups = {
      "hydra.admins" = { };
      "hydra.users" = { };

    persons = {
      ysun = {
        displayName = "Yifei";
        mailAddresses = [ "[email protected]" ];
        groups = [ "hydra.admins" "hydra.users" ];

After this step, create a temporary password in the CLI, and send it to the user. Users can change their password through the web interface. After this, you should be able to access the Kanidm web interface at whatever domain you set up and the LDAP query interface will also be available with anonymous read-only access: nix shell nixpkgs#openldap -c ldapsearch -H ldaps://<fqdn> -x -b "spn=<username>@<server settings domain>,dc=<second level>,dc=<top level>"

POSIX accounts

Don't rush! The LDAP server is still non-functional. Since Kanidms LDAP does not have 2FA, and it's read-only, you'll need to hop on the server and migrate the account you created to a POSIX account (can't do it through the web interface nor declaratively).

$ kanidm login -D idm_admin
$ kanidm person posix set <username> --shell <full path to login shell>

You should be prompted to set a password for the user (can be different from the web password), and you can also set the user's home directory.

Service accounts

Kanidm's LDAP anonymous queries have limited access to user/group information, so you'll need to create a service account and token under idm_admin to allow Hydra or any other service to query LDAP.

$ kanidm service-account create search "Search" idm_admin
$ kanidm service-account api-token generate search "Search"

With the token, try binding the LDAP server with the service account:

$ nix run nixpkgs#openldap -c ldapsearch -H ldaps://<fqdn> -x -D "dn=token" -W
# type in the token

Give search user email read permission

Almost there, but not quite. The service account can't read email addresses by default, and Hydra needs to read the email address. So we need to give the service account read permission to user email addresses.

$ kanidm group add-members idm_mail_servers search

Appendix: full config

Example DNS settings:

abc.example.com   A # use your real IPv4
abc.example.com   AAAA   ::1       # use your real IPv6
sso.example.com   CNAME  abc.example.com # proxied by Cloudflare
ldap.example.com  CNAME  abc.example.com # not proxied by Cloudflare

Example LDAP consumer config (Hydra):

{ config, ... }:

  services.caddy.virtualHosts."hydra.ysun.co".extraConfig = ''
      reverse_proxy ${toString config.services.hydra.listenHost}:${toString config.services.hydra.port}

  sops.secrets.hydra = {
    owner = "hydra";
    group = "hydra";
    mode = "440";

  services.hydra = {
    enable = true;
    extraConfig = ''
            class = Password
            password_field = password
            password_type = self_check
            class = LDAP
            ldap_server = "ldaps://ldap.ysun.co"
              timeout = 30
            binddn = "dn=token"
            include ${config.sops.secrets.hydra.path}
            start_tls = 0
              verify = none
            user_basedn = "dc=ysun,dc=co"
            user_filter = "(&(class=person)(name=%s))"
            user_scope = one
            user_field = name
              attrs = "+"
              attrs = "cn"
              attrs = "mail"
              deref = always
            use_roles = 1
            role_basedn = "dc=ysun,dc=co"
            role_filter = "(&(class=group)(member=%s))"
            role_scope = one
            role_field = name
            role_value = spn
              attrs = "+"
              attrs = "cn"
              deref = always
          hydra.admins = admin
          hydra.admins = bump-to-front
          hydra.users = cancel-build
          hydra.users = eval-jobset
          hydra.users = create-projects
          hydra.users = restart-jobs

Kanidm's config:

{ config, pkgs, ... }:

  inherit (config.security.acme.certs."sso.ysun.co") directory;
  networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 636 ];

  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ kanidm ];

  services.caddy = {
    enable = true;
    virtualHosts."sso.ysun.co".extraConfig = ''
      import common
      tls "${directory}/fullchain.pem" "${directory}/key.pem"
      reverse_proxy ${config.services.kanidm.provision.instanceUrl} {
        header_up Host {host}
        header_up X-Real-IP {http.request.header.CF-Connecting-IP}
        transport http {
            tls_server_name sso.ysun.co

  sops.secrets.kanidm = {
    owner = "kanidm";
    group = "kanidm";

  services.kanidm = {
    package = pkgs.kanidm.override { enableSecretProvisioning = true; };

    enableClient = true;
    clientSettings.uri = config.services.kanidm.serverSettings.origin;

    enableServer = true;
    serverSettings = {
      domain = "ysun.co";
      origin = "https://sso.ysun.co";
      trust_x_forward_for = true;

      ldapbindaddress = "";
      bindaddress = "";

      tls_key = "${directory}/key.pem";
      tls_chain = "${directory}/fullchain.pem";

    provision = {
      enable = true;
      autoRemove = true;

      adminPasswordFile = config.sops.secrets.kanidm.path;
      idmAdminPasswordFile = config.sops.secrets.kanidm.path;

      groups = {
        "hydra.admins" = { };
        "hydra.users" = { };

      persons = {
        ysun = {
          displayName = "Yifei";
          legalName = "Yifei Sun";
          mailAddresses = [ "[email protected]" ];
          groups = [ "hydra.admins" "hydra.users" ];

  users.groups.sso.members = [ "caddy" "kanidm" ];
  security.acme.certs."sso.ysun.co" = {
    domain = "sso.ysun.co";
    extraDomainNames = [ "ldap.ysun.co" ];
    group = "sso";
    reloadServices = [ "caddy.service" "kanidm.service" ];