
Yifei Sun

· 408 words · 2 min read

I'm a MSCS student at Northeastern University. I have the fortune to be advised by Prof. Ji-Yong Shin at Systems Research Group. I visited Computing Software Group advised by Prof. Tomoharu Ugawa at University of Tokyo during the summer of 2024. I finished my undergrad at University of Utah for my thesis under the guidance of Prof. Shad Roundy and co-advisor Prof. Tucker Hermans.

I'm generally interested in system and theory (CV), topics include:

To prevent spams, my contact info is hidden within the source code of this website. After clicking the link, search for the platform you want to reach me on in all lowercase (e.g. github, linkedin, etc.). You can reach me directly with Matrix, Discord (use my GitHub username), or email (echo -n 'eXN1bkBoZXkuY29tCg==' | base64 --decode).

Weekend outing with labmates (Walden Pond)
Weekend outing with labmates (Walden Pond)

I ride a Trek Fuel EX 5 for fun and commute, and I daily-drive a Framework Laptop 13 with NixOS and a 14-inch MacBook Pro on the go. I own and operate AS10779 (PeeringDB) with two IP assignments from ARIN. I maintain 10+ packages on nixpkgs and actively contribute to the Nix ecosystem. During my free time, I enjoy swimming, cycling, archery, and playing osu! mania.

You just have to go out and touch grass once in a while (Uji Shrine)
You just have to go out and touch grass once in a while (Uji Shrine)

Troll: I can't stand most Lisp dialects (especially Racket), but Emacs Lisp gets a free pass (cause it's actually useful). I dislike Racket so much that I even made a website and a poster about it.